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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Baby Quilt

For my second project, I decided to make a baby quilt for my sister's baby shower gift. I used a Simplicity pattern. I picked out four different colored light flannel pastel fabrics. For the applique hearts, I used four different colors of silky baby blanket bindings. I decided to omit the ribbons in the center of the hearts, because I thought they looked too busy and were probably not friendly for infants either.

When it came to binding the blanket together, I went to the fabric store with intentions to purchase a pastel pink or even a white silk binding. I ended up with the bright rainbow trim. I must say the rainbow binding grew on me and I love it!

On the back, I embroidered Henry David Thoreau's quote, "Every Child Begins The World Again." I also signed and dated the quilt with embroidery (stem stitch).


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