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Sunday, March 11, 2007

My New Garden

This weekend I started my first garden. Being able to step out of our back door and pick fresh vegetables to cook or enjoy raw has always been a dream of mine. It makes me giddy to think that I may be picking my own luscious tomatoes fresh from the vine this summer. The first challenge in creating my garden was picking out a place in the yard that would work visually and spaciously and still receive the necessary sun for the plants to grow.

After picking the location, the digging began. It took me about 2 hours to dig and line the border of the garden with rocks. There is my new plot waiting to be planted. Look at my pretty kitty posing in the picture.

Part of me wishes that I made this garden plot larger. After today's planting, I still need more room for the seeds that I started indoors and the few plants that I have on order. (I have a second garden plot planned for these.)

The plants in my new garden plot:

Chocolate Mint
Barbecue Rosemary
Sweet Basil
Eightball Zuchinni Squash
Red Beauty: Sweet Bell Peppers (6 plants)
Gourmet Salad Blend Lettuce (3 plants)
Early Girl Tomato (2 plants, still have 4 plants left)
Tomato: Mortgage Lifter
Tomato: Supersteak
Tomato: Red Cherry
Green Beans: Blue Lake Pole
Green Onions (several seeds planted directly into the ground)
Strawberries (6 plants)

I hope my garden is a success and has a high yield of delicious produce!

Oh, and the purple plant in the lower left corner is kale. I thought it was pretty and edible. After the kale was planted, I went to Home Depot and they sold the plant as "ornamental kale". I am going to have to look into it. At least the plant is pretty!


Blogger TitanThirteen said...

Hi :o)
We have our first edible garden this year too! It is awesome to pick your own organic stuff. I've had parsley growing for a couple of years. I throw that in everything. But this year we got serious with the veges. We picked our first pumpkin last week! :o))

Your garden looks really cute! You will enlarge it as you need too.
We have ornamental kale in our flower garden. It looks really lovely after a few years when it has about ten heads on the one plant!
I hope you post updated photos of your patch :o)
Where did you make/get your blog header? That looks great!

11:24 PM  

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