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Sunday, March 25, 2007


I never heard of Colcannon until I was browsing the internet and found Tyler's Ultimate Colcannon.

Creating this dish is so unlike me. I haven't made mashed potatoes or eaten bacon in ages. Also, we haven't had any type of butter/margarine in our home since December. But alas, I was eagerly filling my grocery cart with such sinful delights.

I checked out a few other recipes, but ended up working from Tyler's.

As I cooked, I thought about dinner at my grandparents home. My grandmother almost always served mashed potatoes and some other vegetable - usually corn. My grandma would make a mountain of his potatoes, stir in his corn and pour on some homemade gravy. My siblings and I would mimic this behaviour as we ate our meal. Soon mashed potatoes, corn and gravy became one of my comfort foods. (Nothing beats homemade pierogi!) Oh, how I had forgotten this ritual.

This is how I made Colcannon:
  • In one pot, boil the potatoes with skins on. I used 2lbs of red mixed with 2lbs or Yukon Gold.

  • Once the potatoes are cooking, chop the cabbage (one head). In a separate pot, boil the cabbage until you think it is done. I prefer most veggies over cooked. I don't think they are over cooked, but I know others do.

  • Time to fry the bacon! I added about 1lb of bacon. Of course, drain the bacon from the fat. Next time, I will probably use turkey bacon, Canadian bacon, or even Baco-bits!

  • When the potatoes are done, drain and remove the peels with a fork. Mash potatoes with a tad butter and skim milk.

  • Stir in the cabbage, crumbled bacon and scallions.

  • Eat!


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