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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Is it October yet???

Light-up Skull w/ Tarantula
Light-up ghost I bought at a thrift store in Illinois for $1.99.

The rest of my Halloween collection is now up.

Candy Corn Plushie!

Pumpkin shelve, which includes a cabbage patch doll dressed as a pumpkin.

Halloween matryoshka dolls

Meet My Witches

The witch on the broom was found at a Colorado thrift store for under $3.00. She hangs from a clear fishing line to look as she is flying through the air.

Close-up of the witch noise-maker.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Still Redecorating The Bedroom

I moved the picture of the ocean waves crashing against the rocks, which I bought in Colorado, from the hallway into our bedroom. I never was able to appreciate this oil painting in the previous spot, because it was always hidden by the open hallway door. The picture looks great above our bed, especially against the newly painted blue wall.

Excited for Halloween

Today, I began displaying my Halloween goodies. I even bought some candy for my witchy candy dish. I will post more pics when I have my other stuff out. This is a teaser of my holiday decor.

The picture of the left is of a Halloween afghan on our love seat.

On the top right is a hanging tapestry.

And the bottom right is a Fitz & Floyd Chips and Dip dish that I put candy in.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Thrift Store Score - Art Prints

Today, at Thrift Town, I found a bag of pictures at the end of a knick-knack aisle. The bag turned out to be art prints and recipes fused into one. A great find for someone who loves recipes, art, and the politics of the 60's. (Because the designer/publisher participated in the Free Speech Movement in Berkeley.)

Enclosed with the prints was a letter (looks like it was typed on a typewriter):

"These prints were once part of the folio "Thirty Recipes Suitable for Framing," published by St. Heironymous Press of Berkeley in 1970. The recipes were by Alice Waters, collected from friends including Lindsey Shere and me. The prints were designed and printed by David Goines, who in 1968 had made his first poster for The Kitchen, my cookware shop on Shattuck Avenue, which operated until 1984. David's distinctive poster designs brought him national attention; Alice started restaurant Chez Panisse (with my help in early years), which became the byword in fashionable cuisine. When the folio went out of print, prints that remined were put in my custody. This year they have been donated by the artist to benefit the University Art Museum. Apart from their lively designs and superb workmanship, they are emblematic of Early Taste in what has become Berkeley's persisting Culinary epoch.
--Gene Opton"

On google, this out of print book sold for $300. The bottom of each print has the copy right of 1968 st. heirenymous press - berkeley. I can't believe that I bought all 30 prints for $3.99. I cannot wait to frame these.

The pictures are a sampling of some of the prints. I know that they are dark, no flash, etc. etc. The pictures are white and not yellowing at all.

***After further reading, I learned that David Goines has made all the posters for Chez Panisse up to the most current one on the restaurant's website.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Bedroom Makeover

It all began with a new bedset...

In Chicago, I picked up a bedset - which has embroidery. The picture is of the package, because it is still being shipped to me. The bedset features robin's egg blue, chocolate brown and champagne colors.

Next came the bedroom walls:

I was sick of living in apartments full of white walls and decided to paint our bedroom walls Martha Stewart's Robin's Egg Blue. (Of course, this was with the help of my boyfriend.)

I couldn't stop with the walls:

We found this bookshelf at the local thrift store. I decided to paint that too.

After painting the thrifted bookshelf, I had to move our matching chocolate brown chair into our bedroom. After all, it matched our new color scheme! Now we have a mini reading area at the foot of our bed.

Up Next:

I still plan on sewing curtains for the window. I want to make a shear champagne colored curtain. And then with a thicker fabric, I hope to make a chocolate brown outer curtain. I can't wait to get the bedset and the curtains up and finished! (And maybe a new area rug???)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Baby Quilt

For my second project, I decided to make a baby quilt for my sister's baby shower gift. I used a Simplicity pattern. I picked out four different colored light flannel pastel fabrics. For the applique hearts, I used four different colors of silky baby blanket bindings. I decided to omit the ribbons in the center of the hearts, because I thought they looked too busy and were probably not friendly for infants either.

When it came to binding the blanket together, I went to the fabric store with intentions to purchase a pastel pink or even a white silk binding. I ended up with the bright rainbow trim. I must say the rainbow binding grew on me and I love it!

On the back, I embroidered Henry David Thoreau's quote, "Every Child Begins The World Again." I also signed and dated the quilt with embroidery (stem stitch).

Hawaiian Print Skirt

This is my first completed sewing project. A simple, six-panel skirt, with an elastic waist band. (Excuse the mis-matched shirt).